Our Storyboard


  1. Boy 1: Niyi Adeaga
  2. Boy 2: Declan Coker
  3. Girl: Phoebe Maloney
  4. Extras: Friends
  5. Make-up artist: Amber Fancourt
  6. Filming: Amber Fancourt and Sophie Cramer
  7. Lighting: Sophie Cramer


  1. Establishing shot – Boy 2 on the floor dead
  2. Extreme close-up of boy 1’s eyes before he runs down the alley
  3. Boy 1 starts to run down the alley after the flash backs the next morning (day 2
  4. Flash back 1 begins – Boy 1 dancing with his ex girl, and moves around the room a lot to talk to people.   – Boy 1 pins boy 2 to wall after finding out what he is doing to his ex girl (violence) and everybody at the party tries to  break them up
  5. Boy 1 runs down the alley. Sirens and train noises becomes loader
  6. Flash back 2 begins – Boy 2 and the girl have a big argument in the kitchen and Boy 2 is about to hit her.     – Close up shot of knife behind the girls back    – The girl stabs Boy 2 and screams       – Boy 1 hears the scream and enters the room whilst the girl exists and finds boy 2 lying on the floor       – Everybody comes into the kitchen with Boy 1 next to him and think that boy 2 has killed him.
  7. Boy runs to the end of the alley
  8. Flash back 3 begins – Boy 1 leaves the house and runs away by the back door of the house
  9. Ending…


  1. Setting: In the lounge and kitchen of Sophie Cramer’s house. Also an alley way near our school
  2. Filming: Amber Fancourt and Sophie Cramer
  3. Time of Day : Just as it is about to get dark on day 1 and in the morning on day 2 when boy 1 has run away
  4. Costumes: part outfits
  5. Props: Drinks glasses


  1. Camera
  2. Camera stand (tripod
  3. Lighting
  4. Disco lights (app on phone)

By Phoebe. M

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