Good examples of movie opening credits

Examples of how we can make our opening credits:

-When the wrongly accused suspect is holding a knife- there could be a little bit of blood that drips on the floor in slow motion and this will be where we can have his name come up and slowly expand as the blood spreads on the floor.

-When there is a a shot of the dead body- there could be a person from the party kneeling down besides it and as they shout for help, their name could come come up as if it was being blown out of their mouth- could emphasise the impact of her voice and loudness- how serious the situation is.

-When there is a shot of the people’s reactions of the dead body- for every shot of each person and their reaction, their name could come up.

-When there is a shot split into 3, it could show the names of the people in the scene

By Sophie C

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