In this task we looked at the advert for the Cadburys crème egg. We looked especially at the man with the mirror and how he acts and involves the mirror in the clip. We tried to also involve a reflection and be creative by using a reflective puddle and link it in with our final clip, so if we liked it then we could include it into our film. We used a puddle as our “mirror” as it is shot outside down an alley so we thought this would be the most appropriate reflection to use. Whilst we were discussing the idea we realised that as it was sunny out that all the puddles had evaporated, so we mad one by using a bucket to dispose the water to make a puddle. We like the puddle idea as it showed niyi in the puddle but as he couldn’t recognise himself anymore (even though he was innocent) he kicked the image away, as if he was vanishing all the memories from what happened outside of the party house. Whilst I was looking into this idea further, I then realised that it links in well with the Evian advert also, this is because when the adults see their reflection, they don’t recognise themselves just in the same way the Niyi did not recognise himself anymore.

Phoebe M

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