2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?


 An improved version of question 2 that I completed:

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In this evaluation question, I decided to compare the representation of race, gender, class and age in our media product with the race, gender, class and age of the film ‘8 mile’ as it is fairly similar to our own film.


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Kidulthood in comparison to The Innocent:

The innocent

Age: Our media product is within the crime genre and presents a teenage boy in the opening there for the social group we are aiming to attract is between young teens to early 20’s. Adults and present teenagers obviously know what it’s like growing up and experiencing crazy things which is what makes our media product so relatable, because we have made it realistic, also as teenagers are younger than adults they are looked at as weaker meaning the viewers will worry more for their wellbeing in the film.

Ethnicity: The race of the social group we have focused on in out media product is black and the stereotype of black teenagers as in the way they are sometimes dressed and talk like gangsters, therefore we used this stereotype to our advantage to incorporate it into our opening sequence. As niyi is holding a bloody knife in the first scene this automatically tells the audience he has  used that knife to cause some kind of harm to someone again due to his ethnicity stereotype.

Gender: In our opening we have used a boy as the main role to represent the strong and powerful stereotype of males. An example of this in the film opening is the bit of him holding the knife as it makes him seem more aggressive and violent causing people to be scared of him. The stereo of athletic/sporty males is also showing within this media product as he is seen running down the road away from the police very quickly.

Class: we have represented the boy in our film opening as lower middle class, this is shown through the use of mis en scene with the shot of the middle sized house is shown with the boy sitting outside it. The reason that he shown as lower class to the audience is because it is made up of not well educated people, this is proved by the language used in the voiceover, supporting the stereotype of lower class people being less educated.

similarities: both male, black, teenagers wearing hoodies with looks of confusion/anger on their face and they seem as if they’re middle class.

differences: ones in school during the day, ones on the streets during the night, one is alone, one is with a group of people, one is wearing a navy hoodie, one is wearing a black hoodie, one is the strong dominant leader that scares people weaker than them and the other is an average scared boy being dominated by something/someone.


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

.attack the blockphoto (2)

Age -> Our final opening sequence was in the genre of crime and it starrs a teenage boy who goes directly with the stereotype of young black boys, with this in mind the social group we are trying to attract are the young black teens aged early 20s. Our finished opening tries to relate and sympathesie with youung black boys that are wrongfully sterotyped as” gang bangers” and thugs

Ethnicity -> our opening is mainly faced at the Black ethnicity, the the sterotypes around black people espeically. we have promotes this through the mis-en-scene we have used throughout the opening sequence  for instance a knife with blood smeared on the blade and the dark setting in which our opening is based. Having this mis-en-scene forshadows what is later revealed in the rest if our stiry line – a murder.

Gender -> in our opening sequence we have reprsented the charatcer as intimidating and strong. This is connoted by the clothes the character in our opening has chosen to wear – all black.

Our charatcer has very similar characteristics to the main charatcer within the movie attack the block. This is mainly due to the fact that they both speak abit of slang. this bring out the sterotype built against black boys. also both boys dress sense are similar in the sense that they both constantly have there hoods up.

By Niyi Adeaga

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