Movie Opening Credits

In class today we were looking at some examples of movie opening credits and found some good examples of ones that we can incorporate and develop into our own two minute movie opening. An example of movie opening credits that we looked at was from the movie Twilight

As well as the movie opening credits being incorporated very well into the opening, I feel as if other elements of media techniques work together to help create the gloomy atmosphere such as the use of music and the colour of the scenery consisting of mainly dark reds and blacks. The credits show various parts of picturesque landscapes turning to ice, alluding to Bella’s transformation into a vampire.I like how the titles change colour to match the background/scenery such as 0:40 – 0:43 where the title is originally red and then as it moves closer to the clouds it slowly changes to a white colour.  I also like how the panning movement of the scenery gives the impression that the titles are also moving with it.

Another film opening I looked at was from the movie ‘Se7en’

The music creates a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere and titles have been presented in the black parts of the scenery to help the audience establish that the film has very dull and scary elements. Th majority of the movie opening, the titles are presented against a black background after some footage of a person doing certain movements. For example, a title appears against a black screen after he flips the page of a book and the title appears again after he writes something on a piece of paper.

Another movie that we looked out was called ‘The Road Movie’

I like how the titles aren’t completely taking over the screen and are instead used on different corners of the movie so that it allows the audience to establish the different settings/locations the camera shows. The titles also have a blurring transition at the start and the size gradually expands until the blur disappears.  Occasionally, some of the titles are presented against a black screen, as seen in the movie opening ‘Se7en’ and this could of perhaps been done to show clearly to the audience who the main characters/actors are in the movie.

We also looked at was called ‘Spiderman’

The title ‘Spiderman’ has been used against a red background in front of a spiderweb in order to show clearly what the film is based around. As well as the white titles used to represent the different actors, I like the way that, rather than showing real footage of the actors, comic/cartoon drawings of them are used instead which makes the movie opening very interesting. The music incorporated also has adventurous elements to it hinting that the movie is going to be an action movie.

The last movie we looked at was ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

I like this movie opening as the movement of the titles are in sync with the very fast pace of the music which gives the opening more rhythm and flow as well as being very energetic hinting that this will be an action movie.  The titles also move in an interesting way as if the smoke from the bottom left corner of the scene is pushing it so that the titles curve a bit. Other ways of the titles being incorporated into the movie opening is where it gives the impression that it is placed on flat surfaces such as 1:09.
