Update on filming

We began filming, on 24th March, around half five as we wanted to do a time lapse from daytime to sunset. We researched the time of sunset so that we wouldn’t waste loads of the camera’s battery filming much earlier in the day. We filmed with a Nikon DLSR camera so that we were able to find it much easier to film in night settings. 0600

We did have a problem with filming the time lapse as the camera could only record a maximum of 20 minutes at a time therefore we had to make sure we were by the camera all the time in order to record a new video continuing on from the other one.

Once we filmed the time lapse which took around 40 minutes to do, we then continued with the rest of the film opening. We managed to record a variety of camera shots ranging from close ups, mid shots, long shots, extreme long shots and we also did these from a variety of angles such as low and high.

We didn’t, however,  end up finishing the whole two minutes as planned as the camera’s battery was low therefore we had to call it a day and plan another day to film. So far we have planned to film the following Monday coming up.

When it came to the editing process, we actually had more footage than we predicted which ended up being around a minute and 37 seconds long. This will now allow us to finish the last 20 seconds very quickly as well as allowing us to refine the footage we had already done on the first filming day. As we edited the film, there were a few transitions between different shots which didn’t flow smoothly therefore we are going to work on that next filming day as well.

Post by Sophie

Our new opening storyboard

I have made a new storyboard for our opening, although it is very brief it outlines our storyboard as we got rid of and added more scenes to it. This clip shows the first part of our film which I edited and I will shortly upload a storyboard when Niyi and Sophie have finished editing.

Our last storyboard:

Our newest storyboard:

Our development has been recorded on our blog posts between these two storyboard clips. By Phoebe. M

Update on our group progress

Phoebe Maloney's "A"level Media Blog

So far in our group we have finished all of the filming for our final cut. Our first half was filmed at Sophie’s house and the second was filmed by Niyi with his friends down an alley near school. At first we weere all quite scepticle about Niyi filming with his friends as we thought that they might not care as much as we did about getting it right, but to our supprise they were all supportive and done well with creating angles and shot to include into our film. The editing was then done by Niyi which was also a good job and Sophie and I carried on making blog posts.

In our next lesson we ideally wanted to do all of the editing in the lesson so we would be one step closer to finishing but as one member of the group had the clips we were wainting for…

View original post 54 more words

Props we need and what we have used…

For the filming we did previously, we used a few props to build suspence and make the scene more understanding for viewers. As we are only showing the first 2 minutes of the film, the audience is likely to be confused therefore adding props helps to provide information and tie the lose ends of the audiences curiosity. Some of the props used in our practice filming are; a knife, fake blood, a bike. We also used props for filming that was not shown such as a ladder, flash light and which helped us in the filming process. The setting of our film is at party full of teenagers, so filming at night makes sense. Although filming in the dark can be difficult we solved this problem by using flashlights. For our film opening to reach full potential we used the ladder to create a birds eye view effect over the dead body generating a dramatic and tense effect.

Amber F

Shooting Script

Who we need?

For our opening sequence we needed a number of different people. Firstly we needed Niyi Adeaga, to act as the innocent boy who is wrongly accused of murder, Niyi’s role in the opening sequence was to act scared and worried about the murder and also run away from the scene. We also decided as a group to hire a A-level Drama student to play the role of the victim in our film, this was because we thought it would bring some realism to the film aswell as professionalism. For the film there was some cucial makeup needed, in charge of this we needed Amber to do it. In order to get the best shots possible at the same time, we used both Phoebe and sophie to film suing two different camera at two different angles.

What did we need?

For our opening scene we needed:

1 Knife

Packet of fake blood



Flash light

Selfie stick

Where and when would we film?

We decided to film our opening outside sophie’s house. She had a front garden where we shot the first scene of Declan dead on the floor. also outside her house we shot the running away scene of our opening, her house had the ideal road and lighting to shoot our opening. Because our opening needed to be set at night we decided to film our opening at 17:00pm as we were aware that by then there would be less lighting.

by Niyi

Phoebe’s set post….. EDITING

In our lesson each person in the group was allocated a topic in media to write a post about. My post was editing so I wrote a quick summary of a few techniques that we will use and where we will be using them. This will hopefully encourage and help each person in our group write at least one post if they haven’t already.

By Phoebe.M

Our rough cuts for our final filming session

Niyi and I spent a lesson filming rough cuts for our opening. We wasnt happy with the results as they were so rough, but we couldnt do any proper filming as a member of our group hadn’t been in the past two media lessons and they had the story board. This made us slightly behind on filming and by doing these rough cuts they will help us so we know what is happening in our final filming session.

Our rough cut clips:

Although this is still a rough cut, we chose to do a high bird eye view angle so we can see that he is flat on the floor and the clothes that he is wearing. We can also see the light coming through and shining on the side of him which makes it more effective. By the dead person laying on their back it enables us to show the viewer where he got stabbed. This would have been on the left side of his stmoache, but we couldnt do the fake blood and bruises on his woumbs during school on his uniform.

This close up of his face allows the viewer to see the makeup on his face which is the cuts and bruises. We also see his gender and ethnicity which we may not be able to see as well in the last scene.in the real filming we could get the dead person to keep their eyes open, this would then show that he has just died and nobody has seen him yet. It vwill also be more challenging for the actor as he will be more distracted by the people filming around him. the close up also allows us to see closer details such as an earing which he will be wearing in the real shot, this will allow us to see his background for example his gangster personality.

The extreme close up of the eye will show the murderer of the dead body, this will then allow the audience to no that he is innocent but everyone in the film thinks he killed the person. It will also give a black and white effect to the clip as the shaddows will be a dark grey colour which will juxtapose the killers skin colour. iIt will also create tension as the killer is slightly revealed but not fully as we still dont know who they are.

By Phoebe. M

Our story board so far showing camera work, ideas, mise-en scene and music

establishing shot:  black screen fading into the dead body.

we have gone with using the niki minaj remix which Sophie had received permission for.

music will start and build up slowly loader…

  1.  we will see a dead person on the floor he will be dressed in gangster clothing and lighting will still be flashing on him like no one has noticed. this will be played by Declan who we hired as an actor. he will have blood and bruises over him which will be done by Amber and it will be set on a kitchen floor where knives are most easiest to supply. the body will be seen in a long shot birds eye view angle so we can see the body and the outskirts of the kitchen
  2. the next shot will be an extreme close up of Niyi’s head which reveals his shocked face and shows his innocence through his eyes we get a small glimpse of a diamond earring on one of his ears as well.

music will become faster with more tension

  1. a close up is followed of the knife with the blood on and will then quickly transition into the murderers eyes which will be lurking in the shadows these will alternate a couple of times to emphasis that niyi was innocent the lights will be shining on it to emphasis the object.

music will then stop to allow scream to take place

  1. when the party people later hear a scream coming from the kitchen from one of the party girls who has walked in on the body, they all enter unaware until we see their hatred for niyi and their shocked faces. this is shown in a mid shot with five-7 people in it. they will be dressed in party clothes and holding drinks

music will strat again slowly

  1. we then realise that someone has called the police and so niyi runs out the back door with a group of his friends from the party as they chase after him. this will be a long shot to show the setting and surroundings of the back door and where it leads out to , a street or a garden.

long and slow notes in the music will be exaggerated here

  1. we then go back to the dead body to see how bad he looks and we get an extreme close up of Declan’s eyes still open with a tear rolling down his cheek.

music will then carry on as normal

  1.  we next have two ideas here one is a screen saying the next day which will then fade into the next shot or one not having one and making the next half of the clip all in the same day. we will try both to see which is better
  2. this long shot will show niyi running across the road and through an alley to meet his friends as he hears the police sirens and think they are trying to find him and we hear the atmospheric music of sirens which will be pre recorded and used a non-diegetic sound. as he meets his friends and they all start to run down the alley there will be five split screens to allow us to see the ethnicity and gender of his friends. by niyi and his friends all being black and boys it will help show the negative generic stereotype of crime. they will all be dressed in the same clothes from the party which is why I think it is better to not have the black screen saying 2 days later
  3. we then get a birds eye view and crane angle of niyi and his friends running all the way down the alley. the lighting will be minimal but street lights will flood the alley

music will become very quite and long notes exaggerated to allow the viewer to hear the sirens

  1. a paper then blows into a puddle upside down to allow the viewers to read a headline and to see Niyi’s face on the front of it with Declan. the head line will be an article about niyi killing Declan at the party. a street light will shining on the article and the picture of Niyi’s face

music then slows down a lot

  1. we then go back to niyi running out of the alley and hiding under a bush as he can see the police running down a road to try and find him. the lighting is still minimal but the police jackets are lit from the street lights and oncoming traffic.
  2. a close up is then made of the police mans foot running across the bottom of the bush in the street.
  3. are final shot is niyi coming out from under the bush and a zoom out of him under a street light frozen looking into the camera at an eye line angle

music will stop and exaggerate the long notes again

By Phoebe M