Self Assessment 

From watching my groups film opening many times I have concluded our coursework with a B, which means it will roughly be high in level 3. I have finalised my judgment with this grade by comparing the mark scene to the video and analysing each aspect thoroughly eg Sound, Music, Lighting, Story etc. Anaysing each factor then looking at the average was the easiest and most sufficient way to grade our work fairly.

Analysing each aspect:

Lighting: At the beginning of our film opening it is day time obviously meaning it will be brighter outside but as we show the day changing to night and start the main story which is based at night it becomes a lot harder to see niyi and the props. Level 3

Editing: Editing was very average. The use of time lapse at the beginning of the film opening to show the day changing to night was very effect as it explains to the audience that the film will be set at night there was also a lot of long shots of scenery and surrounds so the viewer have more of an understand of where it was set this was also helpful as it gave a lot of time for titles. level 3.

Titles: the font used and the title Colouls was very fitting to the theme of the film opening although they do not enter the film opening and smooth and naturally as we wanted. level 2

Camera shots/movements: There was a very wide use of camera shots and movement within the film openings bring the level up remarkably including match on action, close ups, long shots, mid shots, extreme close up, over shoulder shot, point of view shots and many more although the use of more advanced shots and movements could of improved our opening a lot. level 3

Music: the music we use was very fitting to the crime genre of out film although it was very repeatative. The music also also sounds as if it is being rewinded, this helps us also as it creates some level of foreshadowing before the rest of the film goes back in time to tell the story of what really happen that day. level 3 

Sound: The voice over in general was very good however there were some parts that were louder than other and too close to the mic making some parts hard to understand and seem uneven.  Another good factor within the narration in the opening is how fitting the words are to what was going on, on screen for example as Niyi says ‘always looking down on me’ the shot on screen is of him throwing a knife down into the grass opposite him. level 3

Props/Costume: the use of the bloody knife was especially effect as it told the audience something serious had happened and created a lot of suspense as people will want to find out what happened. The costume was a black track suit which fitted the stereotype of the typical modern day teenage boy nicely making it more believable he was at a party and allow a younger audience to relate to the film more. Although there was only one character in the film opening so there was not many costumes to talk about and only 2 props used (the knife and the phone) meaning it could of been improved with wider use or props. level 3. 

Overall I gave my group a level 3, Grade B, for our film opening. 

By Amber Fancourt