Our rough cuts for our final filming session

Niyi and I spent a lesson filming rough cuts for our opening. We wasnt happy with the results as they were so rough, but we couldnt do any proper filming as a member of our group hadn’t been in the past two media lessons and they had the story board. This made us slightly behind on filming and by doing these rough cuts they will help us so we know what is happening in our final filming session.

Our rough cut clips:

Although this is still a rough cut, we chose to do a high bird eye view angle so we can see that he is flat on the floor and the clothes that he is wearing. We can also see the light coming through and shining on the side of him which makes it more effective. By the dead person laying on their back it enables us to show the viewer where he got stabbed. This would have been on the left side of his stmoache, but we couldnt do the fake blood and bruises on his woumbs during school on his uniform.

This close up of his face allows the viewer to see the makeup on his face which is the cuts and bruises. We also see his gender and ethnicity which we may not be able to see as well in the last scene.in the real filming we could get the dead person to keep their eyes open, this would then show that he has just died and nobody has seen him yet. It vwill also be more challenging for the actor as he will be more distracted by the people filming around him. the close up also allows us to see closer details such as an earing which he will be wearing in the real shot, this will allow us to see his background for example his gangster personality.

The extreme close up of the eye will show the murderer of the dead body, this will then allow the audience to no that he is innocent but everyone in the film thinks he killed the person. It will also give a black and white effect to the clip as the shaddows will be a dark grey colour which will juxtapose the killers skin colour. iIt will also create tension as the killer is slightly revealed but not fully as we still dont know who they are.

By Phoebe. M